Domini e Gestione DNS search

Can I buy a domain without a hosting?

Before starting any project online it's essential to understand the concepts of domain and hosting and the differences between them.

When we talk about domain we refer to the name that identifies a website on the net, what allows a website to be reachable from all over the world. It can refer to the nature of an activity, business or brand.

When we talk about hosting we refer to the web space on which the website will be hosted.

It is possible to purchase a domain without hosting, although it's recommended to rely on the same provider for the provision of both services: this will be useful in terms of management and assistance.

Before making a final decision, evaluate all the hosting solutions in order to identify the most suitable one.

Take a look at Keliweb hosting solutions and choose the plan that suits your needs at their best. To learn more or for more information, please contact our support.

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