Certificati SSL search

How to enable the SSL support in the most popular CMS

To enable the SSL support on your CMS you need to modify the CMS settings to make it responds correctly in https. This configuration is not provided by default and it requires a specific procedure depending on the CMS.

To enable https on WordPress:

  1. Enter your Admin area;
  2. Click on "General settings", where there are two fields including the address to which the website will respond, and change the protocol from http to https;

    wordpress https

  3. Save the configuration.

To enable https in Prestashop:

  1. Enter your Admin area;
  2. Click on "Settings", then on "General" and activate SSL;

prestashop https

3. Click on "Save" to confirm the new settings.

To enable https on Magento:

  1. Enter your Admin area;
  2. Go to the "Secure" section;
  3. Change the URL Base and select "Yes" to enable the options to use https both in the Front-end and in the Back-end;


4. Click on Save to end the operation.

To enable https on Joomla:

  1. Enter your Admin area; 
  2. Click on "System" and then on "Global configuration" and "Server";
  3. Select the option "Force SSL" and click on the icon "Whole website". 
  4. Save all the changes to end the operation. 


To enable https you can also operate on .htaccess file available in all websites. If the file is not available you can create it. The file must be located in public_ html/.htaccess (the dot identifies it as a hidden system file). 
To end the operation you have to open the file using a text editor via FTP or using cPanel File Manager and type the following instructions above the file:

RewriteEngine On 
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80 
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]

These instructions must be written one for each string and will force a redirect of all calls to port 80, from http to https

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