Acronis - Cloud Backup search

How to backup your data with Acronis

If you want to backup your data with Acronis follow this simple procedure:

  1. Login to your web console and select the device you want to backup. Clicking on "Run Backup now" the system will start to backup using the default settings

  2. To custom your backup, click on the settings icon above on the right
  3. Select "Backup"
  4. Select "Add backup plan"
  5. In the field "What to backup", select  the data you want to backup such as a few files or folders, a whole Drive or machine
  6. In "Schedule" set the timing for the backups
  7. In "How long to keep" set the backup' s retention
  8. In "Encryption" set a password to protect your backups
  9. To save the configuration, click on "Save"

You'll see the schedule of the following backup. 
In addition to that you can start a backup immediately clicking on "Run now".

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